CCCCCmCC CCCCC CCCCCCCCC mmmmmCC mCCCC CCCmm mCCCmCmC mmCmCmCCmCCCCCCCm mCCCCCCCCCCCCCm mCmmm Mark Knopfler - vocals and rhythm guitar. David Knopfler - rhythm guitar and vocals. John Illsley - bass and vocals. Pick Withers - drums. on. As a trumpeter, Davis was never a virtuoso on the level of his idol Dizzy Gillespie but by 1947 he possessed a distinctive cool-toned sound of his own. His ballad renditions (utilizing a Harmon mute) were exquisite yet never predictable, he mastered and then stripped down the bebop vocabulary to its essentials and he generally made every note count; as with Thelonious Monk, less was more in Miles' music." -- Scott Yanow, All-Music Guide FILTER Pink Floydis had quite a career, one with so many innovations that his name is one of the few that can be spoken in the same sentence with Duke Ellington. As a trumpeter, Davis was never a virtuoso on the level of his idol Dizzy Gillespie but by 1947 he possessed a distinctive cool-toned sound of his own. His ballad renditions (utilizing a Harmon mute) were exquisite yet never predictable, he mastered and then stripped down the bebop vocabulary to its essentials and he generally made every note count; as with Thelonious Monk, less was more in Miles' music." -- Scott Yanow, All-Music Guide FILTER ad quite a career, one with so many innovations that his name is one of the few that can be spoken in the same sentence with Duke Ellington. As a trumpeter, Davis was never a virtuoso on the level of his idol Dizzy Gillespie but by 1947 he possessed a distinctive cool-toned sound of his own. His ballad renditions (utilizing a Harmon mute) were exquisite yet never predictable, he mastered and then stripped down the bebop vocabulary to its essentials and he generally made every note count; as with Thelonious Monk, less was more in Miles' music." -- Scott Yanow, All-Music Guide FILTER 1e^^1^e1e1^1e e1e1e1e 1^1e1e1e1ee11 1e^e1 :::S::S:S:::::::: EEEEE 333((z _O\*\* \*((( 3c}{2}c c}}cVcV; {;V{{} **\z\ ~3((\ 3__z\*\*\\ \*\*\* ~333333 ~~~33 ~3~~~~ \*\*z_3 \*\\* \**\* ***\*\O3~ ~3333 \O__O \*\*\ 333zX (3O__ \*\*\ \**\*\ 33333 **\**\ *\*\*\** _3O_( 3333(( (\*z*\(* \*\*\**\* \(z\( 33((((( \**\** \*\*\ ^^^Z^(* @P@P@P Z*\**\ **\\* *\(O3_O_ (\**\ @@@(P@@P@ 3((XX 3P@P3@PP@PX *z3__ PP@P@P@P (P@@P@P *\*\** P@@@@P (PP(@PP@P \z\** PP@@PP@P@P P3(33@vP@P @P@@PP@@P v"vP(@ P@@P@@P@P@P@ _O_O\ \*\*\ ~~~~33~3 P@PP@P@P@PP "v"v"v@"v"vv" ^Z^ZZ *\*\* (_O_O_ @P@P@@P@P vv"v"v @"v"vv"v O_O_O( XP@P@P@P vv"v" @P@P@P "@Pvv"v"v 33~33 ~3(s =$[[; 3~~~~~~ [[[;; ~~~~~~ ~~~~~3 (<@ 9&9sg \(_O_O_ 33~~~ (O333 ((33~3 _3O*s sXsgO \(O(O _O_O_OO_O( kYXz(( (<\\O_O_ P@P@P XsX@k _\O\\gg (O(O_OO3 3_("vP@P ~~~~3 O_O(O_33 "vv(3~ P@P((3~ _3O_33333 \g<\* O_O__ @(~33 &YksK _O_O_O3_Og< 3O333 33333 O__O_O_ @sXs@ sX*(O_ *(33333 _(YgO~ ~~~~~~ _O\ss9sX \(O(_O_O__\ ~~~~~~ RK 9 O_O3O~ O_gsX O3OO3~ ;;# 9 \\\O\ _OO33 3333O_ Rn;t=;;=$=;;#l MYP@<\ 33333 R#;;; PYgY*\* \*\\O_33 XsXsXsX Ryy;L; \*\\\\O __O_O3 2$[[[; 3_(_(_3 33O_O \g;J$ g*O\O* gYMRR 333_O3_O(O3 O3333 ;;R;[[ JBMK( (O(\k @(k@\ 3O3O3_g\Og R;R6l; 33333 _O_OOg YO33~O Yg_O\* *\\O_O\ b66RB; (O_O_\ O3O3O33333 \*\O_ O_OOOO_O_ 3O_O3O O__3_ Cllfffff *\O_O_ 33O3*O3_3 fffLf *O3_O _O_33_O +$#Bl O___O33= l6#fLfL ;$yCL g<\\_ 3O(O\_OO_ *\\O( ~3O3O(O( 3_O_O_O3 __O3OY; _~ O(__*O3 ZX_O( 3O_3O3O3O_ 3_3O_ _3O3O(O3O3 O_O_O_3 O_O333 3_O333 ~~O(O_O_O3_ O_\42 ln2$K __OO_O 333O33 33333 zO_O____3k Y$;yR+ YgzO_3 3_O33 3OO3O_( H \gYgl \\OO_3 __O__ ~~~O_ \(O3O3 (Oggg __g_OO3_O YYYYg (O___ _O3_O_O3 \\O_O3 _3O___Og ___O\ ~3O(3 \zgY@g M(__O_g3_( g>,L\( [;R lM \(\OO_ 3~3Z^^^ RKbY* \O(O(O33 33O__O ^^Z^^^ 9L,,, 3333Z^Z^^Ze (*(33( ((g*\ g<999 (O_3OO3 3_3O_O3 3OO3O__O_ ^^Ze^e \2|=5 _O_O(O_O(O3O33OOO_O_O3O_O_ 33O^Z^^Ze^ :ZpP*g @s 9 =[ __O_O_ 3OO3_O_O_O_ _3O3OZ^^^^^e O_O_3_ 33Z^Z^^Z^ Y9 nR (OO\O\ _3O*O( O3)'wF ^^Z^^^ \O(O\\O(\O O_O3O(O__ 55|F% [33Z^Z^^^Z MRR;R; lKlKM 5T5V5u ^^Z^Z^ *9J229 #R;$$Rl *\_\O )wu55 RZZ^Z^^^ XX*\J <_\*\ '^^^Z^Z^ \*=A *\*\* *\*\* |rj^^Z^^^ 5= 5$JA V *\**** *\*\** dhFu7 Z^Z^ZZ *\*** ^ZZ^^ *\*\z `TT|8 ZZ^Z^ {5IU?? pppp-9999c p)99&&c sXs@X @JA%{ ppm9&& ksX*X ppppp s&@9s@9 _O_3O\OO (OO_O `u5cu`d/q hFq?q??hu5 & 9& & &9&&9&&&s&&s9s9k _O3O* 333333~ & &&9 & &&& &&9X999 p)&&&& &9 9& &&9&9 &&&&&s9s9 Iq?a? 9@s@sss@ ___33 33333 ppppp ))))))))))) m m NNNN NN :::::::::::::S:::Ir SSSWWSW SFFTr 'wwr| .p.pp.pppppppp //////S/////////////////////////// ///pSS 7{{Fu': 00000000i0000000ii0j0j0ijijjjijjijh ppppppp wAiuu ooujuoo .pppp ppppp ppp/+x www'` ....p pppppppp xi'8'ix0i8 xxxxji0j xii0i0 x0x0xj :!:WS ..pp..p..pp II`I`IIIII IIIIII IIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIUI .pp.ppp.pp ////W////////S/SS/S ...pppp pppppp SSSSSSS SSSSS .ppppppp ppppp SSWpS SSSSSWS SWSSS SWSWSS :W:WS FILTER "Miles Davis had quite a career, one with so many innovations that his name is one of the few that can be spoken in the same sentence with Duke Ellington. As a trumpeter, Davis was never a virtuoso on the level of his idol Dizzy Gillespie but by 1947 he possessed a distinctive cool-toned sound of his own. His ballad renditions (utilizing a Harmon mute) were exquisite yet never predictable, he mastered and then stripped down the bebop vocabulary to its essentials and he generally made every note count; as with Thelonious Monk, less was more in Miles' music." -- Scott Yanow, All-Music GuideIII IIIIII IIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIUI .pp.ppp.pp ////W////////S/SS/S ...pppp pppppp SSSSSSS SSSSS .ppppppp ppppp SSWpS SSSSSWS SWSSS SWSWSS "Miles Davis had quite a career, one with so many innovations that his name is one of the few that can be spoken in the same sentence with Duke Ellington. As a trumpeter, Davis was never a virtuoso on the level of his idol Dizzy Gillespie but by 1947 he possessed a distinctive cool-toned sound of his own. His ballad renditions (utilizing a Harmon mute) were exquisite yet never predictable, he mastered and then stripped down the bebop vocabulary to its essentials and he generally made every note count; as with Thelonious Monk, less was more in Miles' music." -- Scott Yanow, All-Music GuideIII IIIIII IIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIUI .pp.ppp.pp ////W////////S/SS/S ...pppp pppppp SSSSSSS SSSSS .ppppppp ppppp SSWpS SSSSSWS SWSSS SWSWSS So far away Money for nothing Walk of life Your latest trick Why worry Ride across the river The man's too strong One world Brothers in arms llespie but by 1947 he possessed a distinctive cool-toned sound of his own. His ballad renditions (utilizing a Harmon mute) were exquisite yet never predictable, he mastered and then stripped down the bebop vocabulary to its essentials and he generally made every note count; as with Thelonious Monk, less was more in Miles' music." -- Scott Yanow, All-Music GuideIII IIIIII IIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIUI .pp.ppp.pp ////W////////S/SS/S ...pppp pppppp SSSSSSS SSSSS .ppppppp ppppp SSWpS SSSSSWS SWSSS SWSWSS ztttK#DCCC"<#J*S22R2YYYSYSXSYYYRYYYYSX2R21RR2Szys yE!B IBCCt *C#*L+%L11RS8SYyYYXS8YYYYYY8YYYYYSYYYSXYRSzYYYz #IJCs J"$$$$$*+R21YYYYYS8YYSYSYSYSX2YSX8YSYYYSYYSy2YY #*D##D IlmCt ##$L1S2YYS8YYYSXYYYXYYYYYYYYYSYzSYYYYYYSXSzy CCBeB JDlCt =#12S8SY8YSYYYYSYYYSYYSYY8SYYYXYYuYyYuzz8Y Cmqk< KIICs #L1Y1YRYSYSYSYYYY2YSzYSYSYYSYSzYYzSYyYYSYy tIDnt R28S82YYYXYYYXYSYYYXYYXYYyYYYYSyYYYYYYYSz EDK#" =#12YYYYYYSYYzYYYYYYSYYYYzSYYYYS8SySzYRSY28z RSYS8SYYYYYYS8SYYRYYYYSYYYSYRRRXRRRRYRYYYYz zyzzzzzzzYzzzz #2XYYYYYSYYYY2S1RRRYzzYXYzYYXSRS+*+LRtYzYR21Sz tyYXYRYySYXzz #*L2YRY8XYYYR1+2RtRRz YtzRYRSRYL1*L SYRYRR1RRzyttuRRQ+KKLQu K#D"= #*L+1L1RSYRSR+#$RtRsLyzRtyzyXYR+1RLR zyYRSXSR2RzzRstKKDC#CDJm #K+*+R1SXSS1*="LytQKJLRtzyttzYR1S1RY tytzXSXSR2X2SXztRstsKJKmJr R$#$$#D #+*+L+RRSXR1# #KRLJCKL*K tQnR+1RSYXSzyYuRSRYXSRR2YYYtzttstsRn #L1*LL*C JJJB< CK$$oLKC#D$K*SRSYRYtYXYRSRY1SX222YYYYyuytttsK" $$*L$$nyzyYRYtYSXRS1S1282Y228R2YRYYyt+K $%KRo$*MR SRYRYSySRXSXYYYR282S288S8SYYY11+*$ D$#EK $$+LRLL+Kt zRYyRYXYRR2YYRY28YR822S12821Y2YY2R+ $ %F%F%+%% >$#$F%%LRtytLLRu yuRYSRYRSRXSYYYYYY2Y1Y822Y12S2212Y2X+$ $ LL+F+% zzLL% F%+%+LMLLL%L%$%F%# $+%%%$%Ltu tRoyy zYXRSR2RYYYSYYY2128S12S82Y22R82S182YR$$ LM%LML=!= ""#"< y+L%%%%F%F%F%%++F%Fo%F%FJ%%F+L %++++++SRz +$LLRYRSXzRYYSXYSYYYSY28S81Y2SY828Y22R2Y8R$$ LMFLuoD "#Ktz LRR#< % $F%L%F%L%%%%$F%L F%%%%FF%+8L2Rzzy L#$+tzXSX zYYYYYYS8YSYY2YS818228S2Y2R82S LLMLMt*$$D %%F%%F%F%F%F%F %%F%% %F%F%L%+SSYYzzz tL#$%t YYSYXS8SYXS8R882S1Y8S812YS8RSzz+ %LMLFM+%+#" #DD" %+SMRuR uutuutRMuoMtuu zutuyuuu uuutuu uutuuS+,Lt zSuttStL+##KRRLuuyu uuuLMtz "C"DImkKYzzslJIDJ"D" <#KDD#Xuy SRSRKY B#JLRRR$= #$"=C $++SuSSuMRzutSuutouutuutu uStzu ztuRuuu tuuoMuL++MLu SRzuzuuuRLRSRLLLzuyu ouyu+#= "CIJJRy qmJJm**D$"""#" #K)D" zy2RRRSXzRK+z C#+R" %+SRSuotuStuutuuutuutuuututuuzt utuuRMututu Lo%%,LS RSMtutuRuuRLKMt LuuuS$ lqJn1L*#D D#$##" CD"#*L" KtyzS#u #+S$# +SSLuSutuuututuouutuuouutSztuztuuR LSoSu ouLuL%%+FMz SRuuuy uSoR+ uttuz uutoS JRS1mBkkkC)$*# #####K$K*# "*L##L1= "DJ##u z$#RSRR y"#=C$zR* uRuyutzuutu uuuutuStu tuuttMRMuo %% $ +u uuuLMLuRuuuu tzuzuuut #RRY* HkHB! ++R*+$)D" #K+K# RR#Ez #$J#SzL* #+uutzuuYututuutututuutuz uLSLSLF uoLM%LMMutz zyuztuuR+ BlkkBB #SyS* uuuoutut utuuutz tutuSLSLSLS+ tMLFLMLtuzuuztuututSR$# ="D#" BkBB! ##D#" "*+K" #D*zR*# +tuyuzuuututuut uuRuutuuy StMLSLSLM+%+ uLL%L zyuzutRM*$$$D D$#$$# #RS*" +uuztuz uSutuuutu tuztuuzututSMuSLStSou uMLLLuLuuuztt% #$$K# #KS1D CRY*D $LutYzu uuuut tuutuuRzutuut ##+*$## #uzL# %Ruuyu uututuuutSSRuSSRuutz zRMSu oMLo+ D#$*$K# "=#zR+# %LuuzzutzuuutuyuuutuYStuLMutMSMRMStuu z+%%F+S L+%ML+ #$+K$" "LYR+ %RutuuututuuuyztuuRuuuLMtStMRMLu u+F%F%++S uFL%%FFL $$*$*# #L+E## "SRRL $%MRutuuzuyuzuutzuRuRMLuSS+SRuStu z++&+F%M++u ##$D++K #+++*K ##YR+K %+Louutu uutzuuLSSLSRMStuu S++++%%++,+u z$ %%F% ##*E##$# #$K+*# $%LMuu tuRMRMSRuStuzzS++&+%%++MRtuzz #$$Rz*+* $$+uy utSRSMRuStuzt2+,+++%MSuy zz+% F% #$*$## #$%yz$L$ %LtuSuRSuStSSY22R+%,+Stz zz+F+ D$K$$# #LzR$*$ $%+SMRSSM2R,+,+R,1uzz %++,+M1222R,+,+Syzzyztuyuzz Yz#$*D $%+,++2S1,22LSRSztztSL+LRuu $YR$K* +++%2121M++YStz zzSzyuzyzzyS# %zR$** %%+M2,S2+22Ruz uzyut %+,12+,+M1SzzyuRRML+$+StztRzL" ###C"C"= +2L,L+2Szy zyyutYtuy D"""C""C" "*+K" $zL#$K$ $%+,++2Szyzzz "!C!C"CCC +21M2SXzz zYSRu "#"CCICBC!!! 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